Meet Poppy the Cockapoo Holiday Cottage Critic

After a nationwide search was carried out in order to find a canine critic to review dog-friendly holiday cottages, the winning pooch has been announced.

At Felindre Cockapoos we are always looking out for the latest cheeky cockapoo puppies stories in the media and loved this story about Poppy, a one-year old cockapoo from Cheltenham, who was selected over hundreds of other canine applicants to be hired by Canine Cottages.

Her exciting job role requires her to travel across the country over the course of the year for four free holidays with her owners, Cara Whitehouse and Andy Jarvis.

Poppy will be responsible for reviewing a range of holiday cottages, which Canine Cottages hope will encourage more dog owners to book more dog-friendly getaways with them.

Despite only being a young pooch, Poppy’s personality helped her to stand out from the crowd of other canine candidates and breeds.

In her free time, Poppy enjoys going for long walks in the countryside, paddling, and has even obtained an impressive following of 1,607 followers on her Instagram account to document her travels. Poppy’s obvious love for exploring and adventuring has earned her the honour of working with Canine Cottages as their critic.

The first of Poppy and her owner’s reviews will be available online very shortly to advise other dog owners on the best, dog-friendly getaways in the UK.

It really is a dog’s life!

If you are considering buying a cockapoo, we have cockapoo puppies for sale and we would love to hear from you. You can contact us here via our Felindre Cockapoos website form.