January is National Walk Your Dog Month!  

By Felindre Cockapoos Team

Every year, we barely reach the middle of January before Christmas is but a distant memory and now is the time to embark on new plans and goals. read more

A Guide to Your First Christmas with Cockapoo Puppies  

By Felindre Cockapoos Team

The first Christmas with any cockapoo puppy in the family is pretty much as special as the first with a new baby. At a time of year when there is already a whole heap of things to think about and tick off your to-do list, there are a fair few puppy-related considerations that you will also need to be aware of. read more

Seven Things You Might Not Know About Cockapoos

So, you think you know all about cockapoos?  Well, if you are considering taking one on as a puppy then that is a very good thing! Just in case you are still doing your research though, at Felindre Cockapoos, having bred cockapoo puppies for many years now, what we do not know about cockapoos is not worth knowing, in fact it is probably a myth, so in this month’s blog we will let you in on a few things about our very favourite breed. read more

How To Help Your ‘Spooked’ Cockapoo Puppy on Firework Night

It is that time of year again where, from Halloween through till New Year, fireworks can be heard going off around neighbourhoods across the UK for parties, celebrations and displays. Often, the first any dog owner knows about it is when their pet starts going berserk and you are tasked with trying to help him or her calm down again, trying to comfort your distressed pet as best you can. Sadly, fireworks night is often not at all a cause for celebration for many dog owners. read more

When Your Cockapoo Puppy BFF Cannot Bear To Be Without You

There was recently some media coverage about the ‘pandemic pups’ that were taken on by so many families during lockdown. The Covid boom in taking on puppies, many from entirely disreputable sources, peaked around 2020-2021 and the RSPCA noted that these dogs have now reached a ‘difficult age’. read more

What Does a F1 Cockapoo Mean?

If you are new to the world of selecting a puppy, in particular a combined breed, then figuring out what some of the terms involved mean can be just a little confusing. Far from being anything to do with racing cars, F1, F1b, F2 are all connected with the parentage of the litter. Here, the Felindre Cockapoos team make sense of it all for any prospective clients.   read more

Top Tips: Caring for your Cockapoos’ Coat

The puppy coat

Your Felindre Cockapoo’s puppy’s coat is fairly straightforward to care for in the early days. For the first six months you need only to establish a simple routine, aiming to groom him for ten minutes about 3-4 times a week. read more

How to Keep your Cockapoo Cool in the Heat

It has been a bit of a wait, but the dog days of summer are finally here! With the weather warming up we this could be very welcome for us humans, but it may be less so for our Cockapoo friends.
However, do not worry, at Felindre Cockapoos we prefer you and your cockapoo puppy to be prepared for those sunny days and balmy nights, so here are a few things you can do to make sure you can keep your BFF cool and content this summer: read more

Our DEFRA-registered Team Can Bring Your Cockapoo Puppy to You

The welfare of animals during transport is protected by an EU legislation, which aims to ensure that no suffering or harm is caused to each animal during this transportation process.

Reassuring for all dog owners, this piece of legislation was implemented and supported by DEFRA. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is the government department responsible for environmental protection, food production and standards, agriculture, fisheries and rural communities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

DEFRA’s regulations on animal welfare during transport state that no matter the length of journey, animals should be checked on regularly and their needs met, including allowing sufficient water, food and opportunity to rest are all provided for. Those who are responsible for handling the animals, should be trained to do so and are not permitted to provoke, harm or distress the animals.

At Felindre Cockapoos, we are able to provide a service that will transport your puppy to you anywhere in the UK or Europe, thanks to our DEFRA-registered transport team. We value your cockapoo puppy’s comfort, care and safety above all, so you can be reassured that they are in the very best possible hands.

Our husband and wife team are highly experienced in transporting Cockapoo puppies and are responsible for arranging regular stops on your Cockapoo puppy’s journey towards you, to ensure that they are well rested and relaxed upon their arrival.

Felindre Cockapoos will also take care of obtaining your puppy’s passport and documents for their journey abroad, to make this process as stress free as possible for both you and your beloved cockapoo.

If you are considering buying a cockapoo, we have cockapoo puppies for sale and we would love to hear from you. You can contact us here via our Felindre Cockapoos website form.


Meet Poppy the Cockapoo Holiday Cottage Critic

After a nationwide search was carried out in order to find a canine critic to review dog-friendly holiday cottages, the winning pooch has been announced.

At Felindre Cockapoos we are always looking out for the latest cheeky cockapoo puppies stories in the media and loved this story about Poppy, a one-year old cockapoo from Cheltenham, who was selected over hundreds of other canine applicants to be hired by Canine Cottages.

Her exciting job role requires her to travel across the country over the course of the year for four free holidays with her owners, Cara Whitehouse and Andy Jarvis.

Poppy will be responsible for reviewing a range of holiday cottages, which Canine Cottages hope will encourage more dog owners to book more dog-friendly getaways with them.

Despite only being a young pooch, Poppy’s personality helped her to stand out from the crowd of other canine candidates and breeds.

In her free time, Poppy enjoys going for long walks in the countryside, paddling, and has even obtained an impressive following of 1,607 followers on her Instagram account to document her travels. Poppy’s obvious love for exploring and adventuring has earned her the honour of working with Canine Cottages as their critic.

The first of Poppy and her owner’s reviews will be available online very shortly to advise other dog owners on the best, dog-friendly getaways in the UK.

It really is a dog’s life!

If you are considering buying a cockapoo, we have cockapoo puppies for sale and we would love to hear from you. You can contact us here via our Felindre Cockapoos website form.